Overdue Policy: Users with overdue items or outstanding fines may not check out additional materials. The date-due slip inside the front cover shows the date due and it is the user’s responsibility to return materials on or before that date.
Replacement: Users are legally responsible (K.S.A. 21-3702 for materials checked out to them including paying for materials that are lost or damaged.
Video Policy: The majority of videos owned by the Ashland Library are protected by copyright for Home-Use only. Patrons aged 15 or younger may check out G or PG rated films, while patrons aged 16 or older may check out all ratings of films. A maximum of four videos may be checked out at a time for one week.
Videos must be returned to the desk in the library and NOT in the book drop.
Users are asked NOT to leave audio/visual materials in an automobile where they could be subject to extreme heat or cold.